Brasilia-Tempel in Brasilien, Weihungsgebet


Brasilia-Tempel in Brasilien, 17. September 2023

O God, our Eternal Father, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we come before Thee this sacred day in solemn and reverent prayer.

We are met here in the capital of the beautiful country of Brazil to present to Thee this Thy holy house. How grateful we are that this magnificent and hallowed structure will stand as a testament to Thee and Thy Beloved Son in this city of Brazil where the leaders of the nation meet and where laws influencing the freedom and prosperity of the people are established.

We thank Thee, our Holy Father in Heaven, for this most precious land of Brazil. The Psalmist wrote: “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” We thank Thee that here in Brazil, Thy sons and daughters have the freedom to believe and worship Thee. We express our gratefulness that here we find faith in Thy Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and that Thy restored gospel has been firmly planted across the cities and towns of this nation. We thank Thee that the testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of President Russell M. Nelson is deep in the hearts of the converted members of the Church here in Brazil. Please bless this choice land that those who follow Thee might have the necessities of life and increased prosperity in their honest labors.

We honor the pioneers of faith and devotion who established the foundation of Thy work in this region of this remarkable country. We remember with love and appreciation the missionaries both from Brazil and from other countries that have taught and testified here.

We pray that the power of this house will endow those who enter through its doors with a conviction and steadiness of the truth of Thy Beloved Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. We especially ask for a blessing upon our noble youth that their love for Thee and their confidence in Thy restored gospel will grow and strengthen as they come to Thy house. We pray that the influence of Thy Holy House might be a beacon of truth and light to those who govern in the buildings nearby. Because Thy house is here, let there be an added goodness, honesty, peacemaking, and prayer in the functioning of the government of this land.

Now, Beloved Father, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, under the direction of our beloved prophet, Russell M. Nelson, and in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, we dedicate unto Thee this, the Brasília Brazil Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I dedicate this sacred structure from its footings and foundation to the crown of its steeple. I dedicate the sacred baptistry, the initiatory, endowment, sealing, and celestial rooms and every part of this Holy House. I dedicate all its facilities, furnishings, auxiliary structures, and the adjacent meetinghouse. I dedicate the beautiful grounds and vegetation that add beauty and peace to the eternal ordinances that will be received here.

Father, we pray that Thou wilt protect this sacred edifice from natural disasters, fire, vandalism, and any evil intent to deface or defile it in any way.

We ask Thee Father to bless all those who come to Thy Holy House. May they feel an increase of Thy love for them, and an assurance of Thy plan for them. We pray, Father, that each will treasure the ordinances he or she receives, knowing that by keeping their covenants, the promises here are bound on earth and in heaven. Please help them to feel Thy presence and the presence of Thy holy angels. Allow Thy Spirit to be here in abundance.

Dear Father, wilt Thou bless the temple presidents and matrons, the counselors and assistants, and all who are called to serve in the temple, that they will serve with close attention to Thy holy ordinances and with love, care, and kindness.

We bless this house that love for Thy Beloved Son, the great Jehovah, even the Savior of all mankind, might be magnified over and over again in the hearts of His disciples. May all who enter better know of Thy love that brought about the plan of redemption, and the love of Thy Son, and His sacred Atonement and resurrection that opens the door to eternal life for each of us, and for those beyond the veil whose ordinances are performed here.

Our Beloved Heavenly Father, we praise and honor Thee and Thy Beloved Son. May we as Thy people ever love Thee and keep Thy commandments. Please forgive our sins that we may stand clean before Thee and help prepare the earth for the return of Thy Son. We pledge our lives to Thee, our Holy Father, and to Thy Son, our Redeemer and Savior, in His sacred name, even Jesus Christ, amen.