Cobán-Tempel in Guatemala, Weihungsgebet


Cobán-Tempel in Guatemala, 9. Juni 2024

Our Heavenly Father, today we are gathered to dedicate the Cobán Guatemala Temple for Thy work and Thy glory. We do so at the direction of President Russell M. Nelson, who holds and exercises all the priesthood keys that Thou hast restored to the earth in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times. We are grateful for members of Thy Son’s Church throughout the world whose faithful payment of tithes has made the construction of this beautiful temple possible. Please pour out additional blessings on them this day because of their faithfulness.

Now, our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, and exercising the keys of the holy Apostleship, we dedicate unto Thee and Thy Son the Cobán Guatemala Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the adjacent meetinghouse. We dedicate the structures and surrounding grounds for their holy purposes. We pray that Thou wilt protect them from every destructive influence.

We are grateful for temple covenants that draw us closer to Jesus Christ and connect us more strongly to Him. We recognize that through these covenants, we have greater access to divine power. We acknowledge that the covenants are not, in and of themselves, the source of power. Thou and Thy Beloved Son are the real source of power and making and keeping covenants create a conduit for Thy power in our lives. We thank Thee that this power can enable the transformation of our divine nature into our eternal destiny.

Please bless all who serve in this House of the Lord with all the physical and spiritual gifts they need to perform their sacred functions.

We recognize that this temple is “the mountain of the Lord’s house,” that it is “established in the top of the mountains” and is “exalted above the hills,” as prophesied by Isaiah. We pray that many will come here, to learn of Thy ways and commit themselves to walk in Thy paths. We pray that Thou wilt bless and protect them in their travels.

May the people who enter through the doors of the Cobán Guatemala Temple be reminded of Thy great plan of happiness and reaffirm their most important identities as Thy sons and daughters, as children of the covenant, and as disciples of Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We pray that Thy Spirit will always be here to enlighten, guide, and bless those who enter, that they may feel Thy power, and sense that Thou hast sanctified it as a place of Thy holiness.

We are grateful for our Savior and His Atonement, for the blessings of immortality and the opportunity for eternal life. We are grateful for the gift of repentance, that allows us to learn from our mistakes and not be condemned by them, that through sincere repentance, no spiritual scar will remain, that we can be perfected in Him, and find that His grace is sufficient for us to be sanctified. We pray for those who have lost their way, that they may speedily repent and return unto Thee, find favor in Thy sight, and be restored to the blessings which Thou hast provided for those who shall reverence Thee here.

We thank Thee for the Restoration of the doctrine of Christ, which is central to life’s purpose, and for the restoration of the authority and keys of the holy priesthood. We feel highly favored to see the heavenly priesthood unite with the earthly priesthood and to sense Thy Spirit shower down from above and dwell with us. We are grateful to be part of Thy work that is destined to destroy the powers of darkness, renovate the earth, and bring salvation to the human family. We recognize that there is rejoicing on both sides of the veil for those who have been waiting for the construction of this temple.

We pray that Thou would bless and prosper this remarkable and choice nation of Guatemala with peace and protection. We ask Thee to inspire and strengthen those leaders who seek to facilitate freedoms that allow for the safety and well-being of all Thy children and for the forward progress of Thy Son’s work.

We pray for the rising generation, that every obstacle in the way of their realizing their eternal destiny may be removed because of their faith in Thy Son. We pray that many will be inspired to prepare to serve as missionaries and facilitate the gathering of Israel.

We pray that Thou would bless all Thy children who suffer in any way, that Thou would help them, and bless those who seek to relieve their suffering and give them hope. We ask Thee to bless individuals in the temple district who do not share our faith, that they may revere and respect this holy temple, and thereby be edified by its presence.

We love Thee and ask that Thou would accept this dedicated temple as the House of the Lord, a place where Holiness my abide, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.