Hamilton-Tempel in Neuseeland, Weihungsgebet


Hamilton-Tempel in Neuseeland, 20. April 1958

O God, our Eternal Father, on this significant and hallowed occasion, we unite our hearts and lift our voices in gratitude, praise and honor to Thy Holy name. We express gratitude that to these fertile Islands Thou didst guide descendants of Father Lehi, and hast enabled them to prosper, to develop and to become associated in history with leading and influential nations among mankind.

We are grateful for the Constitution of the United States of America which permitted the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be divinely established and which grants to every man the right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.

We are grateful for other free nations which grant the same privilege, including the New Zealand government where a Temple is now built to Thy glory. Look with favor upon the Governor-General representing as he does the Crown and Parliament of the British Government. Guide also the Prime Minister and members of the General Assembly. Enlightened by Thy spirit, may they maintain and uphold the glorious principles of human liberty. Enable them to see Mormonism in the true light of the Restored Gospel. Show unto them that members of Thy Church are loyal citizens, that they love liberty, and will join with rulers in upholding the rights of the people, and the constitutional laws of this country. Holy Father, give unto the members of the Church and their children an increased disposition always to do everything in their power to maintain constitutional rights and freedom throughout the land.

We are grateful that into the hearts of all Thou hast implanted the divine gift of free agency with the resultant consciousness of human dignity and the assurance that the individual is precious in Thy sight.

Thou hast said that the divine purpose of creation is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. To this end Thou hast given them a part of Thy divinity in their free agency and power of choice.

Since man was first placed upon the earth, Thou hast given to him the Plan to accept or reject whereby he might regain Thy presence, and in doing so, have joy and peace. Obedience to this Plan is essential and has been throughout the ages to the establishing of the Kingdom of God, a universal Brotherhood in which Thou shalt be acknowledged as their Supreme Ruler, and Thy Divine will obeyed.

The admonition to mankind has been to seek first this Kingdom with the promise that all other needful blessings will be added.

The mission of the Church is to establish the Kingdom of God upon earth, a divine government among men.

We thank Thee, O Thou Great Elohim, that Thou and Thy beloved Son didst appear to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and through subsequent administrations of angels, didst direct him to organize the Church of Jesus Christ in its completeness with Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, and so forth, as it was established in the days of the Savior and his apostles in the Meridian of Time.

We are grateful that in this Restoration Thou hast bestowed the authority and revealed the power and methods by which the hearts of Thy children are being turned to the Fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children that the sons of men in all generations may be made partakers of the glories and joys of the Kingdom of God. May all who hold the Priesthood sense more fully the spirit of Elijah, and comprehend more clearly the necessity of giving to all who have gone beyond the veil the privileges of enjoying the blessings that follow compliance with the principles and ordinances of the everlasting Gospel; that some day all mankind, judged by the acts done in mortality, may receive their merited rewards and those who are worthy to be saved, sanctified and glorified.

All the principles and ordinances essential to man's eternal progress and happiness were restored, and given authoritatively by the visitation of Heavenly messengers beginning with the appearance of the Father and the Son to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the year 1820.

We express gratitude to Thee for the leaders of Thy Church from the Prophet Joseph Smith through the years to the present General Authorities—The First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve Apostles, the Assistants to the Twelve Apostles, the Patriarch to the Church, the First Council of Seventy, and the Presiding Bishopric.

Following the martyrdom of the Prophet and Patriarch each President has had his special mission to perform, and under Thy guidance has carried the Church forward in its destined mission. Continue, we beseech Thee, to reveal to the First Presidency Thy mind and will as it pertains to the growth and advancement of Thy work among the children of men.

With humility and deep gratitude we acknowledge Thy nearness, Thy divine guidance and inspiration. Help us, we pray Thee, to become even more susceptible in our spiritual response to Thee.

Bless the Presidencies of Stakes, High Councils, the Presidencies of Missions, Bishoprics of Wards, Presidencies of Branches and of Quorums, Superintendencies and Presidencies of Auxiliary Associations throughout the world—make them keenly aware of the fact that they are trusted leaders and that they are to hold sacred that trust as they treasure their lives.

We are grateful that the members of the Church recognize that the payment of tithes and offerings brings blessings, and makes possible the proclamation of the gospel to the ends of the world, and contributes to the carrying out of Thy purposes through the building of chapels, tabernacles, and eventually temples wherever the Churches are organized in all lands and climes.

O Father, we sense that the crying need of the world today is acceptance of Jesus Christ and His gospel to counteract false teachings which now disturb the peace of honest men and women, and which undermine the faith of millions whose belief in Thee has been faltering and unstable because they have not yet had presented to them the eternal plan of salvation.

Guide us, O God, in our efforts to hasten the day when humanity will renounce contention and strife, when "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

To this end bless the leaders of nations that their hearts may be cleared of prejudices, suspicion, and avarice, and filled with a desire for peace and righteousness.

As one means of uniting Thy children in the bonds of peace and love, this Temple and other holy houses of the Lord are erected in Thy name.

Help Thy people to realize that only by obedience to the eternal principles and ordinances of the Gospel may loved ones who died without baptism be permitted the glorious privilege of entrance into the Kingdom of God. Increase our desire, O Father, to put forth even greater effort toward the consummation of Thy purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of all Thy children. This edifice is one more means to aid in bringing about this divine consummation.

To this end, by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, we dedicate this New Zealand Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and consecrate it for the purposes for which it has been erected.

We dedicate it unto Thee, with all pertaining thereto as a House of Prayer, a House of Praise, a House of Worship, a House of Inspiration and communion with Thee.

We pray Thee, Heavenly Father, to accept this building in all its parts, from the foundation to turret; the Assembly Rooms, the Sealing Rooms, the Altars, and all the multitudinous appliances and appurtenances found in and belonging to this Temple and its annexes.

We dedicate the grounds upon which the Temple stands, and by which it is surrounded; the walks, ornamental beds, the trees, plants, flowers, and shrubbery that grow in the soil; may they bloom and blossom and become exceedingly beautiful and fragrant, and may Thy spirit dwell in the midst thereof that this plot of ground may be a place of rest and peace for holy meditation and inspired thought.

Preserve these buildings, we beseech Thee, from destruction by flood or fire; from the rage of elements, the shafts of the vivid lightning, the overwhelming blasts of the hurricane, and the upheavals of earthquake, O, Lord, protect them.

We invoke Thy blessing particularly upon the men and women who have so willingly and generously contributed their means, time, and effort to the completion of this imposing and impressive structure. Especially we mention all those who have accepted calls as Labor Missionaries and literally consecrated their all upon the altar of service. May each contributor be comforted in spirit and prospered many fold. May they be assured that they have the gratitude of thousands, perhaps millions, on the Other Side for whom the prison doors may now be opened and deliverance proclaimed to those who will accept the truth and be set free.

Bless the President of the Temple and his wife as Matron. Let humility temper their feelings; wisdom, and kind consideration guide their actions. May they, and others, who will be appointed as assistants and custodians, maintain an atmosphere of cleanliness and holiness in every room. Let no unclean person or thing ever enter herein, for "my spirit," saith the Lord, "will not dwell in unclean tabernacles"; neither will it remain in a house where selfish, arrogant, or unwholesome thoughts abide. Therefore may all who seek this Holy Temple come with clean hands and pure hearts that Thy Holy Spirit may ever be present to comfort, to inspire, and to bless. If any with gloomy forebodings or heavy hearts enter, may they depart with their burdens lightened and their faith increased; if any have envy or bitterness in their hearts, may such feelings be replaced by self-searching and forgiveness. May all who come within these sacred walls feel a peaceful, hallowed influence. Cause, O Lord, that even people who pass the grounds, or view the Temple from afar, may lift their eyes from groveling things of sordid life and look up to Thee and Thy providence.

Now, dear Lord, our Eternal Father, through love for Thee and their fellow men, faithful members of Thy Church, and others who believe in Thee, by tithes and other generous contributions, have made possible the erection and completion of this, Thy holy House, in which will be performed the ordinances and ceremonies essential to the happiness, salvation, and exaltation of Thy children living in mortality and in the spirit world. Accept of our offering, hallow it by Thy Presence, protect it by Thy power. With this prayer we dedicate our lives to the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth for the peace of the world and to Thy Glory forever, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.