Pittsburgh-Pennsylvania-Tempel, Weihungsgebet


Pittsburgh-Pennsylvania-Tempel, 15. September 2024

O God, our Eternal Father, our humble hearts are filled with gratitude and love for Thee on this sacred and blessed day of dedicating the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We rejoice in this season of celebration, and our hearts are filled with praise to Thee.

We are grateful for Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ and the restored gospel. We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith, through whom Thou hast revealed eternal gospel principles and practices, including the ordinances of Thy holy house. We thank Thee for our dear prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, under whose direction and with the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood we act today.

We acknowledge and give thanks to the generations of faithful Saints who have gone before in this sacred work and made this day possible. We are deeply grateful for their sacrifices, courage, and faith. We are equally grateful for all who are building Thy work and kingdom today. We acknowledge and are grateful for the many not of our faith who have helped so kindly to make this joyful day possible. We invoke a blessing upon them and upon their families.

We ask Thee to touch the lives of the people who live within the reach of this holy edifice that their hearts will be drawn unto Thee. Bless them with a desire to seek out the message of the restored gospel and church of Jesus Christ.

O God, Thou hast sent Thy prophet Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. This sacred space opens the gates to eternity that these purposes may be fulfilled.

We ask Thee to strengthen families, individuals, and especially our youth in their unique circumstances. Make them equal to the challenges of this generation. Bless them with courage, humility, and charity. Bless them with the desire to make their homes and places of congregation havens of peace, spirituality, truth, love, and unity.

Dearest Father, forgive us our many shortcomings. Strengthen our faith and fortify us against weakness. Give us power to resist the deceits of the adversary. May love for Thee and Thy Son grow in our hearts, and may it be expressed in our dedication to Thee, our love for one another, and our striving to always keep Thy commandments.

We dedicate and consecrate this beautiful edifice unto Thee for Thy sacred purposes, as a house of holy ordinances where thine eternal work may be carried forward.

Protect this temple from any devastating influence, destruction, or defacement.

Wilt Thou accept this holy house as the gift of our hearts and hands. May Thy Holy Spirit dwell here always and be felt by all who come within its portals. May a mantle of holiness come upon this sacred edifice. May it stand as a beacon of everlasting truth and light and as an invitation to come unto Thee.

May all who enter do so worthily. Bless them with the desire to be Thine covenant people and a willingness to give their Christlike service unto Thee and Thy children.

Bless the youth of Thy church that they will receive an understanding that Jesus Christ is their strength. Bless them with courage, wisdom, and a desire to follow Jesus Christ and come to Thy House often.

We pray for those who will administer and watch over Thy House and all who will serve here in any way. Bless them with joy in their hearts as they assist in Thy sacred work.

We thank Thee for faithful tithe payers whose offerings make Thy sacred work possible. Open the windows of heaven and shower blessings upon them.

May the people living in Thy vineyard feel Thy love and Thine encircling arms of mercy. Shield them, we pray, from selfishness and sin and provide the power to rise above all that is below the dignity of Thy children.

Our Father in Heaven, we love Thee and Thy Beloved Son. We thank Thee for His atoning sacrifice. How glorious and complete is Thy plan for the salvation and exaltation of Thy children.

Our hearts are filled with love and gratitude as we now present this precious and sacred place unto Thee, in the name of our Redeemer, the Savior of the world, even Jesus Christ, amen.