Puebla-Tempel in Mexiko, Weihungsgebet


Puebla-Tempel in Mexiko, 19. Mai 2024

O God, the Eternal Father, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, we come today to dedicate this Puebla Mexico Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We are grateful for Thy Son Jesus Christ and His Atoning sacrifice. Jesus Christ redeems us from physical death. He opens the way for eternal life. Jesus Christ makes possible Thy every good gift for every person in time and eternity.

We are grateful for the continuing restoration of the fulness of the gospel in these latter-days. Thee and Thy Son came to the young prophet Joseph Smith at the Sacred Grove in the glorious First Vision. The Prophet Joseph translated the Book of Mormon through Thy gift and power. The Book of Mormon offers the world another precious testament of Jesus Christ.

John the Baptist and Peter, James, and John restored Thy holy priesthood. Priesthood power and authority bless men and women everywhere. Moses, Elias, and Elijah restored priesthood keys. Thy priesthood ordinances and covenants bless families and individuals on earth and in heaven.

We love the Holy Temple. Thy holy temple is the House of the Lord. As the scriptures invite, may Zion put on her beautiful garments. May Zion find peace, refuge, and safety from the storms of this world in Thy and Thy Son.

Holy Father, we know Thee and Thy Son are at the center of the ordinances and covenants of the temple. May we draw closer to Thee and Thy Son in the ordinances and covenants of this holy house of the Lord. These ordinances and covenants invite us to become Saviors on Mount Zion for dear family members. Holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.

We are grateful for Thy living Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson. We love him, and he loves us. It is by his assignment and authority that we dedicate this Puebla Mexico temple.

Dear Father, we are grateful this temple is physically close to us in this beautiful part of Mexico. May many come often to this Puebla temple. We acknowledge many faithful members and their faithful tithes and offerings helped make this Puebla temple possible.

Please bless each Puebla temple president and matron, counselor and assistant to the matron, temple worker and patron. Please bless each rising generation, convert, returning member, bride and groom, faithful family and individual member who come to worship and serve. May all who come do so in Thy spirit of unity and harmony.

May all who come be blessed with peace and joy, faith and testimony, guidance and inspiration. We are grateful for the humility and faith of generations of Thy sons and daughters in this Puebla area. Please continue to bless each generation here in Puebla – new and established, past, present, and future.

Our Eternal Heavenly Father, in Thy time and way, we pray that Thee and Thy Son will accept this Puebla Mexico temple. Let this temple truly become a House of the Lord. Let this temple truly be a place of Holiness to the Lord.

Now, our Heavenly Father, in the authority of the Holy Melchizedek priesthood and in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, we dedicate this Puebla Mexico Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Thee and Thy Son. We love Thee and we love Thy Son. We dedicate it from its foundations to its steeple. We dedicate its physical infrastructure and systems to operate smoothly and safely. We dedicate each room, and each part of each room, for its sacred function. We dedicate its grounds to be a place of peace, beauty, and reverence.

Father, please protect every part of this temple, its grounds, and those who serve here. Please safeguard from harm, whether natural disruption or unhallowed intent or influence.

Please let this temple be a beacon of gospel light and hope. Please let this temple be an inviting place of serenity and faith, of comfort and healing.

Dear Heavenly Father, in dedicating this temple, we re-dedicate ourselves to Thee and Thy Son. May our hearts be pure; may our hands be clean. May we become even more faithful and kind; more loving and generous, more gentle and forgiving; more united with Thee and each other.

Heavenly Father, this day we rejoice in Thy eternal goodness and that of Thy Son. We sing hallelujah! We shout hosanna to God and the Lamb! Solemnly, in humility and gratitude, we offer this prayer of dedication, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.