July 2024 Youth Magazine
Gospel Living

A collection of truly amazing stories!

07/04/24 | 1 min read
Along with so much other great stuff.

Attention all youth! The July issue of the For the Strength of Youth magazine is published and— trust us—you don’t want to miss it!

Here’s a quick look into what you can expect:

  • A national athlete wins a race in an amazing way...
  • Elder Cook teaches about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through love...
  • A young man shares how his open-heart surgery led him to see others in a new light...
  • And Elder Dunn explains how a grizzly bear attack helped him learn how the Lord helps us in adversity!

Check it out for yourself online here.

And don’t forget to visit store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org to sign up for a no-cost subscription, and have future magazines delivered to you every month.

Happy reading!

Find Your Fave

What was your favorite part of this month’s issue? Tell us at youth@ChurchofJesusChrist.org! We love hearing from you.
