2024 Quick Thought from Come Follow Me
Gospel Living

Amulek really needed a friend.

06/26/24 | 1 min read
And Alma was there for him!

The wicked leaders of Ammonihah murdered nearly everyone who believed in the gospel. Alma and Amulek, who had taught them the gospel, miraculously escaped alive.

But they suffered, too. Amulek had been a rich man with many friends and family and a good reputation (see Alma 10:4). When he became converted, he lost all of that (see Alma 15:16).

It’s rare today for disciples of Christ to lose their lives for their beliefs. But we may lose friends and even family members over it. This is especially true for people who weren’t raised in the Church but join later, who might be the only Latter-day Saint in their family or social circle.

Know anyone in this situation? We should try to help them however we can. We can follow the example of Alma, who invited Amulek “into his own house, and did administer unto him in his tribulations, and strengthened him in the Lord” (Alma 15:18).

To Think About

Do you know someone who is the only Church members in their family? What can you do to support that person?
