Young Men and Young Women Presidencies 2024 Message
Gospel Living

Christ isn’t only inviting us to learn from Him.

01/04/24 | 1 min read
He’s inviting us to become like Him!

This month’s For the Strength of Youth magazine includes a message from the Young Men and Young Women general presidencies about this year’s theme.

They talk about how the Greek word for disciple is mathetes. It means more than follower or student—it is often translated as apprentice.

In Christ’s day, disciples typically chose the master from whom they wanted to learn with an eye toward becoming masters themselves. Christ did not follow the typical practice. He turned it around and sought out His disciples instead.

“Today, Christ calls for us to come unto Him,” the presidency message says. “He calls us to be His disciples and declare His word among His people so they might have everlasting life (see 3 Nephi 5:13).”

Their message also includes stories of discipleship from youth around the world. You should check it out here!

And we’ll be sharing stories in the app as well. We are going to have a great year walking the path of discipleship together.

Pop Quiz

Can you name the young men’s general president? What about the young women’s general president?
