Gratitude Power
Gospel Living

Gratitude can improve your health?!

06/21/22 | 1 min read
Here’s a 5-minute challenge to try.

A study by a major university found that individuals who focused on gratitude and positive emotions had improved long-term health.1

Isn’t that awesome?

President Russell M. Nelson taught that gratitude is a “fast-acting and long-lasting spiritual prescription.”

“I have concluded that counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems,” he said. “Does gratitude spare us from sorrow, sadness, grief and pain? No, but it does soothe our feelings. It provides us with a greater perspective on the very purpose and joy of life.”2

Here’s a five-minute gratitude challenge that you could try.

  1. Every day for a week, set a timer for five minutes.
  2. During those five minutes, focus on what you are grateful for.
  3. Write your thoughts in a journal.
  4. Text or call someone and tell them why you are thankful for them!

What are you grateful for today?

Share Your Story

We’d love to hear what your gratitude challenge was like! Email us at


1. See this article by the University of California, Berkeley.
2. See this article in Church News.
