President Nelson’s Conference Invitations
Gospel Living

He invited us to follow God—and be blessed for it.

04/20/23 | 2 min read
Here are some specifics from the prophet’s conference messages.

Imagine you had the chance to talk with a friend about religion. You tell them that there is a living prophet on the earth today, just like in Biblical times. And you just had the chance to hear the prophet speak in general conference earlier this month!

Your friend gets really excited about that. And then they ask an important question: “What did the prophet say?”

Hm. Would you be able to answer that question off the top of your head? If not, don’t stress! Here’s a refresher.

President Russell M. Nelson spoke twice at general conference. He expressed his love for us and for the Lord. He also invited us to do certain things, promising blessings in return.

Promises from the prophet are pretty important! So we wanted to collect them all in one place for you.

  • The Invitation: Show that you are a true follower of Jesus Christ by demonstrating charity.
    The Promise: “The Lord will magnify your efforts beyond your loftiest imagination.”1
  • The Invitation: Put away your insults and accusations.
    The Promise: “You will arise as a spiritually strong man or woman of Christ.”1
  • The Invitation: Think of Jesus Christ and act as He would in contentious situations.
    The Promise: “As we follow the Prince of Peace, we will become His peacemakers.”1
  • The Invitation: Humble ourselves before God and pray with all the energy of our hearts.
    The Promise: “God will grant us charity.”1
  • The Invitation: Be an example of respecting those with different opinions.
    The Promise: “We can literally change the world—one person and one interaction at a time.”1
  • The Invitation: Go to the temple, make covenants, and try to draw closer to the Lord.
    The Promise: “[Doing this] will bless your life in ways no other kind of worship can.”2
  • The Invitation: Come unto Jesus Christ so that He can heal you.
    The Promise: “He will heal you from sin as you repent. He will heal you from sadness and fear. He will heal you from the wounds of this world.”2

Those are some wonderful invitations and promises. Who knows, maybe you will have the chance to share this with a friend sometime over the next six months. That would be awesome! You can watch or read all of President Nelson’s talks from general conference here.

Pick One to Work On

Choose one of the prophet’s invitations to create a goal about and work on over the next six months. Share your goal with a friend, parent, or leader!

1. From “Peacemakers Needed,” Apr. 2023 general conference.
2. From “The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ,” Apr. 2023 general conference.
