A question from the March 4, 2017 Face to Face event. Watch this event in whole or in part here: https://www.lds.org/broadcasts/face-to-face/eyring-holland?lang=eng
Latter-day Saints Channel

Power of the Holy Spirit: Increasing Your Testimony

04/23/15 | 2 min read

A testimony is a spiritual feeling we get from the Holy Ghost that tells us that a certain spiritual principle is true or good. In the above video, many modern followers of Christ share with us how they have increased their testimony through the Holy Spirit.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf explains that the blessings of gaining a stronger testimony are “perspective, motivation, and a solid foundationon which to build a life of purpose and personal growth.”

He also said: “We all know that it is easier to talk about a testimony than to acquire one. The process to receive one is based on the law of the harvest: ‘For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap’ (Galatians 6:7). No good thing comes without effort and sacrifice. If we have to work hard to obtain a testimony, it will make us and our testimony even stronger. And if we share our testimony, it will grow” (“The Power of a Personal Testimony,” Oct. 2006 general conference).In order to gain, maintain, and deepen a testimony, we have to work to feel the Spirit on a daily basis. Forming testimony-building habits will help you to receive a personal testimony.

Modern prophets and leaders have shared how to build a testimony.

President Uchtdorf counsels: “Desire to believe. The Book of Mormon encourages us: ‘If [you] will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, … even if [you] can no more than desire to believe’ (Alma 32:27)” (“The Power of a Personal Testimony”).

Elder Richard G. Scott encourages scripture study: “Pondering a passage of scripture can be a key to unlock revelation and the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost” (“The Power of Scripture,” Oct. 2011 general conference).

The prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, said, “Prayer surely is the passport to spiritual power” (“Your Celestial Journey,” Apr. 1999 general conference).


An arm and hand planting bulbs in the Fall in a garden.

Mary N. Cook said: “How can attending [church]—particularly sacrament meeting—bless you and your family? Regularly partaking of the sacrament will help you keep your baptismal covenant. As you live worthily and renew this covenant weekly, you will qualify for the guidance of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost will guide you and will teach you what you should do to bless your family” (“Strengthen Home and Family,” Oct. 2007 general conference).

