2024 Quick Thought from Come Follow Me
Gospel Living

The Nephites mourn, then boast.

06/05/24 | 1 min read
How quickly they (and we) forget!

Sometimes after a major change—either good or bad—we forget what life was like before. And that can get risky.

For example, in the sixth year of the reign of the judges, the Nephites felt “greatly afflicted … for the loss of their flocks and herds” during their recent war (Alma 4:2). Realizing that their loss was largely due to their unrighteousness, they repented. The Lord began to bless them again almost immediately.

But then look at what happened.

Just two years later, “the people of the church began to wax proud, … because of their many flocks and herds” (Alma 4:6, emphasis added). Two years is all it took for the people to go from being humbled by the loss of their property to boasting about how great their property was.

How could they forget so quickly?

Before we get too judgy, let’s think about times the Lord has tried to teach us something—or blessed us in some way—and we immediately fell back into old habits or ungratefulness. It takes effort to break that pattern!

Maybe that’s why we’re often encouraged by ancient and modern prophets to remember. President Henry B. Eyring, for example, once spoke about how writing a line in his journal each day helped him remember what the Lord did for him.

What else could help you remember?

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You can start today to write down the spiritual lessons, blessings, and impressions you experience.
