Gratitude Trees
Gospel Living

Your gratitude trees grew in all shapes and sizes!

12/31/22 | 1 min read
Thanks for sharing them with us!

In November we invited you to participate in a gratitude tree challenge, and here are a few we saw!

Member Submitted Gratitude Tree

Braden and Lauren made this tree with their family.

They said: “Many of the leaves are filled with our dog’s name (Chowder), who brings a lot of fun and laughter to our family. But of course we have many that are labeled Jesus, the gospel, family, and the holidays. It helps us realize how blessed we are and value things more in life. It helps bring the Spirit into our home.”

Member Submitted Gratitude Tree

The Simmons family made this one!

They said, “We have had a great time watching our tree grow.” They enjoyed adding leaves every day and also reading what others were grateful for. They know that happiness comes when they appreciate the people and things they have in their lives.

Member Submitted Gratitude Tree

Tyler let his tree grow right off the page!

He said: “I tried to think of the biggest thing I was thankful for each day, and almost every day it ended up being about the gospel and Jesus Christ. I was always amazed when I realized that Christ had done so much for me. Gratitude can help us to see Christ in our lives and help us to think of others and appreciate them more.”

Member Submitted Gratitude Tree

Kendra’s family made this one during their home evening.

She said: “I love how each person was able to contribute to our tree—even my two-year-old sister with her scribbles! Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, and gratitude is the key to noticing them when there is craziness all around. There are so many things to be grateful for, which alone is proof that our Heavenly Father loves us so much!”

Grateful All Year

How will you continue to express gratitude throughout the upcoming year? Make a plan to keep this blessing in your life!
