“Comment,” Ensign, Dec. 1978, 56
Counseling most helpful
Thanks so much for the most helpful Ensign ever—August 1978. The articles by Anderson, Harveax, and Gilliland were marvelous. At last someone is talking to me about how to solve my problems, saying, “It’s okay to have problems; you can still have a strong testimony and be a good member of the Church.” Thank you, thank you.
Linda O. Smith
Salem, Oregon
To Put the Record Straight
In the May Ensign, page 11, there is a picture of a beautiful sister, and the caption reads “Chorister of the Primary children’s choir.” With the change in the music program some three years ago, the titles have been designated as director, leader, or conductor. (Handbook for Church Music, p. 6)
Could you give the music chairmen a boost by clearly defining again these terms and titles?
Thelma Murphy
Ottawa, Canada
You’re right! The stake music organization consists of a stake music adviser (priesthood holder), a stake music chairman (administrator), and stake music leaders (instructors or resource people for the various organizations—stake Relief Society director, stake Primary pianist, etc.) .
The ward music organization consists of a ward music adviser (priesthood holder) , a ward music chairman (administrator) , and ward music personnel consisting of directors, pianists, and organists for the various organizations.
The faithful Carter brothers
Your “Challenge to Greatness” (September 1978), tells the story of Jared Carter’s conversion, then mentions that he and his brothers became “great missionaries” but “eventually left the Church.” No! Jared’s three brothers were all faithful in the Church. John S. Carter died of cholera while in Zion’s Camp in 1834; Gideon Carter was killed at the battle of Crooked River in 1838, and Simeon Carter came west and settled in Brigham City.
We are less certain what happened to Jared. He is listed as a member of the Kirtland high council in 1837 and went on a mission to Illinois in 1843. The Times and Seasons (5:687) notes that he was excommunicated in Nauvoo 15 October 1844, but was reinstated the same year and served on the high council again. (History of the Church, 7:271) We have no record of his death or of his coming west. Perhaps he died before the Nauvoo exodus.
Helen Carter Ward
Salt Lake City, Utah
Scrip or Script
It is bad enough to hear from the pulpit “without purse or script,” but to find it in the Ensign! (September 1978, p. 21) Scrip in this context means money; script means something written.
Pat Perkins
Mesa, Arizona
August issue 1977: On page 61, the Book of Mormon quotation from Alma 18:38 reads, “Laman and Lemuel, the sons of Ishmael … ,” whereas it should read, “Laman and Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael.”
On page 65, “MYWY-EL who appears in Gen. 4:18 as the grandfather of Enoch” should read “grandson of Enoch.”
The recipe on page 25 calls for sodium bisulfate in fruit drying. Lee D. Hansen of the Center for Thermochemical Studies at Brigham Young University points out that “while the use of sodium bisulfate in the suggested amounts would not be hazardous, it certainly will make the fruit bitter.” What should be used, he indicates, is sodium bisulfite.
September 1977: On page 64, the table shows Pacumeni as the son of Pahoran II; it should read brother.
Though the front cover features a portion of a work described as “Hagoth embarks,” Alma 63 does not indicate that Hagoth personally went on any long voyages. Perhaps he tested his boat, however!
May 1978 issue: The Midway Heritage quilt on page 31 was made by Midway First Ward. Page 90: Miracle Quilt is by Idaho’s Wilford Ward.
June 1978 issue: Page 28, second column, lines 14–15 should follow line 10, to read: “This is the first and great commandment, and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt. 22:37–39)
October 1978 issue: The last line of column two, page 51, should have been the fourth line of Column three, so that the statement reads, “Remind workers not to test food with a used utensil or lick their fingers. Hair nets are a good idea, particularly for those who have long tresses. Never allow anyone with a skin infection or a cold to handle food.”
November 1978 issue: On page 78, the house correctly identified as the William Marks home was first owned by Vinson Knight, and thus is often known as the Vinson Knight home. The house in the photograph on page 82 has been traditionally identified as the Hyrum Smith home. However, there is no evidence that he ever owned the property. Inside back cover photography of the sculpture Joseph and Emma Smith is by Eldon Linschoten.