Two Missionary Couples Assigned to Nigeria
December 1978

“Two Missionary Couples Assigned to Nigeria,” Ensign, Dec. 1978, 53

Two Missionary Couples Assigned to Nigeria

Two missionary couples have been assigned to Nigeria as special representatives of the Church’s International Mission, the First Presidency has announced.

Rendell N. and Rachel W. Mabey of Bountiful, Utah, and Edwin Q. and Janath Cannon of Salt Lake City have received visas from the African country to do religious service there for one year. Their assignment follows up on visits made some years ago by President N. Eldon Tanner, first counselor in the First Presidency, and others.

Both couples have presided over the Church’s Swiss Mission, where they were responsible for Church activities in various parts of Africa. Brother Cannon is a counselor in the International Mission, and until recently Sister Cannon was first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency. Brother Mabey is a regional representative. Sister Mabey has been an officer and teacher in Relief Society.

The First Presidency said it is not expected that a regular mission or regular proselyting efforts will begin now in Nigeria.
