December 1978

“Contents,” Ensign, Dec. 1978, 1


December 1978

Volume 8 Number 12

On the cover: Family Group, John Singer Sargent (1856–1925), watercolor, 24″-by-17″, Brigham Young University Collection. An American painter, Sargent won acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic. His works are featured in such permanent collections as the Tate Gallery, London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Inside front cover: Jesus Shows His Wounds (Luke 24:39), Grant Romney Clawson, oil on canvas, 94″-by-86″, Visitors’ Center North, Temple Square. Enlarged copy of an original by Harry Anderson.

Inside back cover: Fulfillment, lifesize bronze sculpture by Dennis Smith, for the Relief Society Monument to Women, Nauvoo. Showing that age is no barrier to service to others, this elderly sister creates a quilt in the traditional double wedding-ring design—repeated circles symbolizing a woman’s never-ending influence on her posterity. Photograph by Eldon Linschoten.
