LDS Scene
December 1978

“LDS Scene,” Ensign, Dec. 1978, 55

LDS Scene

When three Church leaders went to Spain recently, the country, and even the king, knew it. Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the Quorum of the Twelve, Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy, and Elder Charles A. Didier of the First Quorum of the Seventy were in Spain in August for a western European mission presidents conference. When they arrived at the Madrid airport, newsmen and broadcasters were on hand for interviews. And while in Spain, the three General Authorities and President G. Sterling Nixon of the Spain Madrid Mission spoke briefly with King Juan Carlos, king of Spain. Elder Hinckley also met with Señor Enrique Sanchez, cabinet minister for health, education, and welfare, and Mayor Jose Luis Alvarez of Madrid. The mayor of Santiago gave a reception for the mission presidents and their wives.

Several new undergraduate and graduate programs have been established at BYU to meet some specific educational needs in the United States. A new master’s degree program in adult and continuing education will help those preparing to be leaders in those fields and will provide in-service training for professional educators.

Both bachelor’s and graduate degrees will be offered in a new food systems management program. The need for trained professionals in a time of multinational food corporations prompted establishment of the program.

The nation’s first four-year undergraduate program in financial and estate planning—established in 1977 at BYU—was recently praised by the International Association of Financial Planners. The curriculum includes course work from a variety of disciplines, including accounting, business management, economics, human and family relations, and computer science.

Famous U.S. columnist Jack Anderson has donated his personal and professional papers to the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU. Sorting and cataloging the fifty-three boxes of Brother Anderson’s notes, correspondence, and other documents could take an entire year. Hundreds of source files, including papers on Vietnam and Watergate, are included. Papers not restricted will be available for use by students and other researchers. Dennis Rowley, curator of the library’s manuscript collection, says the collection will be a rich source of information for journalism and political science researchers.
