“A Foundation of Faith,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 67
A Foundation of Faith
During the next few months, more than one million Primary children in 143 nations will be sharing their love for the scriptures in a sacrament meeting presentation. We are grateful to you, faithful Primary presidencies, who have taught the children the principles found in the 1998 outline, “I Know the Scriptures Are True.” Your personal experiences and testimonies have helped the children understand how they can use the scriptures to strengthen their lives.
Children are spiritually receptive and very teachable. All who serve in Primary can influence children in life-changing and eternal ways (see D&C 64:33). Of course, parents have the principal responsibility to teach their children the gospel, but Primary can be a valuable support. The purpose of Primary is to “teach children the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them learn to live it” (Instructions for Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders on Primary [1996], 1). We want to respond to our prophet and help Primary children learn to be kind and respectful to everyone (see Gordon B. Hinckley, “We Bear Witness of Him,” Ensign, May 1998, 5).
Primary presidencies will receive from their priesthood leaders copies of the 1999 outline, “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.” This outline gives ideas for 1999 Sharing Times that will help children increase their faith in Jesus Christ and act upon that faith.
We thank you for your faithfulness and for understanding the sacred responsibility you have to teach these important truths to children. As you prepare yourselves to receive the Holy Ghost by drawing near to the Lord through prayer, studying the scriptures, and living the principles of the gospel, you will be entitled to inspiration from the Spirit (see D&C 42:14). As you bear your testimonies often to the children, the Holy Ghost can work through you to enlighten their minds and hearts and give them the desire to love and follow the Savior. This foundation of faith will give our children much-needed peace and strength.