“Making Mutual Meaningful,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 66
Making Mutual Meaningful
As leaders of young women, do you wonder what to do for Mutual every week?
“As you humbly ask for [the Lord’s] help, you will receive the guidance and insight you need to do this work” (Young Women Leadership Handbook [1992], 2). This counsel applies to both Sunday lessons and Mutual activities.
In seeking inspiration, remember that Mutual activities—regular weekly activities held at a uniform time and place—are “to reinforce principles and teachings learned in the Sunday lessons and should include experiences related to Personal Progress” (Young Women Leadership Handbook, 8). Mutual is also a good time for teaching homemaking arts and an appreciation for wholesome music, speech, dance, literature, and visual arts.
In preparing for Mutual, determine with spiritual sensitivity the needs of individual young women. Consider, for example, the following scenarios:
Young Women leaders observe that the quality of youth talks in sacrament meeting could improve. With the help of a specialist, a class presidency organizes a workshop on the essential elements of an effective talk.
A recently baptized Beehive struggles to be active and needs friends. Her adviser learns that she enjoys dancing. The class presidency invites her to teach class members some basics of dance.
As you consider individual needs, remember that President Gordon B. Hinckley has said to young women: “There is something of divinity within each of you. … You need never feel that you were born without talents or without opportunities to give them expression” (“The Light within You,” Ensign, May 1995, 99).
As leaders, we need not try to compete with the “glitter” of the world. We offer far more than the world ever can—the Spirit of the Lord and the love of leaders for their young people. Use this to advantage in focusing Mutual activities on gospel purposes. Teach Young Women values, enrich interaction with the young women’s families, strengthen testimonies, develop leadership, improve talents, reinforce Sunday lessons, foster friendships in a wholesome environment—and have fun.