October 1998

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 1


October 1998

Volume 28 Number 10

On the cover: Photography by Steve Bunderson; posed by models. President Hinckley quote from “Except the Lord Build the House,” Improvement Era, Jan. 1964, 56. “We do not need a new moral standard in our modern society. The laws of God have not been abrogated. They were not given to one generation to be laid aside by another. Their disregard can result only in trouble, misery, and insecurity as witness the fruits of the erosion of morality among us. Their application is the way of life and peace and progress.”—President Gordon B. Hinckley.

Inside front cover: The River Ribble in Preston, by Frank Magleby, oil on gesso panel, 36″ x 48″, 1995. The first baptisms in England took place in the River Ribble, which flows through the southern part of Preston. Elders Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, along with other missionaries, had taught the gospel to a local congregation, and several individuals accepted the invitation for baptism. On Sunday, 30 July 1837, an estimated 8,000 townspeople watched the “American ministers” perform the outdoor baptisms of nine converts.

Inside back cover: Woman Peeling Apples, by Walter Rane, oil on paper, 30″ x 20″, 1997. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art. “We teach self-reliance as a principle of life, that we ought to provide for ourselves and take care of our own needs. And so we encourage our people to have something, to plan ahead, keep … food on hand, to establish a savings account, if possible, against a rainy day” (Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 50).
