Freezing Our Compassionate Service
October 1998

“Freezing Our Compassionate Service,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 73

Freezing Our Compassionate Service

As a counselor in the ward Relief Society, I had been wondering how I could include more women in giving compassionate service to others. I discussed this with Sister Dale Barker, also a counselor in Relief Society, who suggested we prepare special compassionate service casseroles during Homemaking meeting, then freeze them for later use.

While all the sisters responded positively to the idea, working sisters were especially happy for this opportunity to help. We selected a recipe and asked sisters to bring ingredients. Sisters could help in the kitchen or attend other miniclasses. Our first attempt resulted in five casseroles, which were stored in Sister Barker’s freezer until needed. A few months later we invited the sisters to help once again, and this time we made eight large chicken potpies.

The sisters welcome this idea because it gives them opportunities to contribute to the compassionate-service needs of our ward while building friendships with each other. We have continued making our compassionate casseroles every two to three months as needed, and now more of our sisters are able to contribute meaningfully to needs of ward members.—Gina Snyder, Fremont, California
