undefined undefined More Small Temples Announced
More Small Temples Announced
October 1998

“More Small Temples Announced,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 74

More Small Temples Announced

The First Presidency has announced plans for 11 more small temples to be located in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, and the United States. The total number of new small temples completed, under construction, or announced is 24 as of 28 August 1998.

The small temple in Brisbane, Australia, a subtropical city on the northeast coast, will be Australia’s second temple.

Small temples in Edmonton, Alberta; Montreal, Quebec; and Regina, Saskatchewan, will bring Canada’s total number of temples to five.

With new temples announced for the northwestern city of Hermosillo and Gulf Coast city of Tampico, the nation of Mexico now has one completed temple and five temples in construction or planning stages.

Since the Church was organized in Ukraine six years ago, about 5,000 people have been baptized. The new small temple in Kiev will also serve an additional 10,000 members living in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Russia.

Four small temples have been announced for the United States. The temples will be located in Bismarck, North Dakota, Detroit, Michigan; the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area of Minnesota; and Spokane, Washington.