undefined undefined Mormon 1–6
Mormon 1–6
November 2020

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities

October 29–November 1

Mormon 1–6

“I Would That I Could Persuade All ... to Repent”

After you’ve studied the scripture passages for this week and reviewed the questions and activities in the manual, consider sharing any of the following articles and activities with your family. These additional resources can assist you as you strive to teach the gospel in your home.

Mormon 1

Living Righteously despite Surrounding Wickedness

Mormon was one of the few righteous people in his time. Both the Lamanites and the Nephites were wicked and unbelieving. However, Mormon endured to the end regardless of the choices of those around him, and we can too.



  • What’s on Your Mind?” This Friend activity can help your children know how to respond when family members or friends want them to do something they know isn’t right.

  • Mormon.” In this activity from the Friend, match Mormon’s age to the things he accomplished during his life.

Mormon 3:3, 9

Acknowledging God’s Hand

When we don’t acknowledge God’s hand in our life, we can easily fall into the trap of complacency or unfaithfulness. By noticing God in all the details of our lives, we can come to know Him better.


  • Recognizing God’s Hand in Our Daily Blessings.” In this Ensign article, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shows how we should look to and remember God every day.

  • 3 Ways to Cope with a Crummy Day.” In this New Era article, learn 3 tips that can help you see that Heavenly Father is always close by.

  • 120 Happy People.” This Friend story shows how gratitude helps a family when they are missing their baby sister.

  • Thankful Thea.” This Friend story is ideal for teaching young children the importance of saying, “Thank you!”


  • A Jar Full of Thanks.” Use this idea from the Friend to practice being grateful by filling a jar with items that represent blessings from God.

  • Lead Me, Guide Me.” Play this game from the Friend with your family to learn more about Heavenly Father’s love and what He has given us to help us return to Him.