“Friend to Friend: A Principle with a Promise,” Friend, May 1975, 16
Friend to Friend:
A Principle with a Promise
For many years I had the pleasing experience of being a missionary on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. It was my privilege to teach many wonderful people who came from all over the world to learn about the Church and the gospel. One of those I remember best was Dr. Aer Waerland, who was well-known for his scientific research with foods and nutrition and who had written several books about the subject.
Dr. Waerland had come from Stockholm, Sweden, to learn about Mormons and especially to discuss the law of health we follow. We, of course, learn much about that law from our Heavenly Father in a revelation He gave to Joseph Smith in 1833, which we refer to as the Word of Wisdom. In Sweden Dr. Waerland had heard from missionaries about this program for good health and, because it involved the same things he had studied for many years, he wanted to learn about it at the headquarters of the Church.
I told Dr. Waerland what the Lord has taught us—that our body is part of our eternal soul, that we could not be truly happy eternally without our body, that we will have our bodies forever, after the resurrection, and that, therefore, it is very important that we do everything we can to keep clean and healthy and well.
The Word of Wisdom teaches us a great principle and makes a promise. The principle is that everything good God has provided for us we should use with thanksgiving and good judgment, with prudence and not to excess. Everything that is not good for us we should leave alone. The promise is that if we obey this principle we will be better off in every way: in health, in knowledge and wisdom, and in wonderful spiritual blessings.
With the Doctrine and Covenants opened before us, Dr. Waerland and I discussed the details of the revelation. He talked with some wonderment about the instructions concerning what we should eat and what we should not eat. He noted that the book says that alcohol and tobacco and hot drinks are not good for man. He asked how Joseph Smith, a young man 27 years of age without any formal training in the field of nutrition, could have possibly known about these things in 1833 when the most modern information then available could not have told him so. I explained that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that this information had come by revelation. I said to him, “Dr. Waerland, what would you think of such a young man, 27 years of age, who wrote that document more than 140 years ago?”
He said, “I know nothing of prophets and revelation, but I would say that such a young man was just 140 years ahead of his time.”
He then spoke of some of the recent discoveries of science and of his own researches and said that every suggestion in the Word of Wisdom was good and true.
After we had talked again about prophets and revelation and he had said again that he was not a religious man and knew little of prophets, he repeated that whoever wrote that document was 140 years ahead of his time.
We know now through evidence that cannot be questioned, that alcohol and tobacco and caffeine are not good for the body. We know that they are destructive and harmful. We know much about the importance of the proper food to eat and about moderation in diet. These facts were not available to Joseph Smith except through revelation received from our Heavenly Father. That is how he received them, and we need to remember that, when we thank the Lord for wonderful blessings we have received through prophets from God.