Bible Crossword
May 1975

“Bible Crossword,” Friend, May 1975, 27

Bible Crossword

Crossword Puzzle


3. David slew ________.

6. Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of ________.

7. A follower of Christ.

11. Garden of _________.


1. Satan tries to make us do ________.

2. Leader of the Israelites to the Promised Land.

4. The kingdom of God.

5. Man who was prepared for the Great Flood.

8. When he stretched out his hands the waters of the ________ Sea parted.

9. Jesus was the ________ of God.

10. Built to ride the waters of the Great Flood.


  • Across—(3) Goliath, (6) salt, (7) Christian, (11) Eden. Down—(1) evil, (2) Moses, (4) heaven, (5) Noah, (8) Red, (9) Son, (10) ark.