“Word of Wisdom Crossword Puzzle,” Friend, May 1975, 26
Word of Wisdom Crossword Puzzle
![Crossword Puzzle](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/magazine/friendlp.nfo:o:36e7.jpg)
1. The opposite of yes.
3. If we obey the Word of Wisdom we can ________ without becoming weary.
6. Eating the right foods gives us strength to work and ________.
9. To prepare something.
10. Our ears help us to ________.
11. The opposite of out.
12. Horses especially like to eat this grain.
13. Running without stopping makes a person ________.
14. She ________ going to the store.
16. The Word of Wisdom is one of Heavenly Father’s important _________ that will help us to stay strong and healthy.
18. This animal gives us milk to drink.
19. According to D&C 89:10, all wholesome ________ are for the use of man.
22. The person who is caught first in a game of tag is ________.
23. Just a little amount.
24. A grain that grows on a cob.
25. Going without food develops this feeling.
29. The opposite of off.
30. The pioneers were grateful for this animal.
31. The first man on the earth who lived in the Garden of Eden.
32. A grain called the staff of life that is particularly good for man.
33. Our eyes help us to ________.
34. The opposite of death.
36. The Lord says we should ________ meat sparingly.
38. The opposite of later.
40. Sometimes people _________ when they lack nourishment or when there is not enough blood supplied to their brain.
41. An exclamation.
42. When food is very scarce a ________ may occur.
44. Meaning myself.
45. A word meaning harm or peril.
46. To bring about or accomplish.
2. A short time for father.
3. The way in which Joseph Smith received the Word of Wisdom.
4. The Word of Wisdom was given to us because it was ________.
5. The opposite of women.
6. If we obey the Word of Wisdom, the Lord makes an agreement with us called a ________.
7. The opposite of no.
8. Another word for bird. (D&C 89:12.)
9. Saints who keep the Word of Wisdom shall receive ________ to their bones. (D&C 89:18.)
10. When something is out of sight or unknown to us, it is ________.
15. To write down several items on a piece of paper.
16. Used to groom hair.
17. When we are truly grateful for something, it is a time of ________.
20. Has a body covered with feathers and usually flies in the sky.
21. Missing word in this quotation, “And shall find wisdom and great treasures of ________.”(D&C 89:19.)
26. Use to hear with.
27. When people are happy they often ________.
28. The sixth and thirteenth word in D&C 89:11.
32. A glass-covered opening.
35. To come inside.
37. To gentle something wild.
39. A material that comes from trees used in building.
43. Last two letters in the name of a small hat or the verb to be (first person).