undefined undefined Fruit Anagrams
Fruit Anagrams
September 1980

“Fruit Anagrams,” Friend, Aug.–Sept. 1980, 23

Fruit Anagrams

Use the clues below to find ten fruits. The “fruits of your labor” will be fruits indeed!

  1. PAR + E

  2. LIE + M

  3. MOLE + N

  4. PAGE + R

  5. CHAP + E

  6. MOAN + G

  7. PLEA + P

  8. PURE + N

  9. GROAN + E

  10. RAINS + I


  • (1) pear, (2) lime, (3) lemon, (4) grape, (5) peach, (6) mango, (7) apple, (8) prune, (9) orange, (10) raisin.