Matt and Mandy
July 1994

“Matt and Mandy,” Friend, July 1994, 47

Matt and Mandy

Matt and Mandy

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki

  1. Mommy, I don’t want to have my tonsils out. Let’s just go home.

    I wish we could, sweetheart, but you need this operation so that you won’t get so sick anymore.

  2. But I’m scared, Mommy.

    I know, but the operation is very safe, and Doctor Martin is a really good surgeon. Besides, Daddy gave you a blessing, and we’re all praying for you. Everything will be fine.

  3. I’m still scared.

    When I’m scared, sometimes it helps to sing a song. How about “A Child’s Prayer” that we practiced in Primary last week?

  4. “Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer ev’ry child’s prayer?”

    “Pray, he is there; Speak he is list’ning.”

  5. “Some say that heaven is far away, But I feel it close around me as I pray.”

    “You are his child; His love now surrounds you.”

  6. Are you still scared?

    Yes, but being scared isn’t quite as scary if you know you’re not alone.
