Animal Manners Banners
November 1999

“Animal Manners Banners,” Friend, Nov. 1999, 18

Animal Manners Banners

Instructions: Remove pages 18 and 19 from the magazine and mount them on lightweight cardboard. Cut out each animal along with the banner it is holding. Tape or glue a stick to the back of each animal. To present this lesson on manners in family home evening or as a Primary talk, read (or ask an older person to help you) the banner the animal is holding, and then show everyone the animal. You could talk about how each of us can show better manners, too.

If you get a present

from Crocodile,

thank him with a great big smile.

If you step on a toe

of Chimpanzee,

don’t forget to say, “Excuse me.”

When Lion comes for dinner,

don’t talk with your mouth full of food

—it’s rude.

When Raccoon phones to talk to Mom,

be sure to say,

“I’ll run and get her right away.”

When you’re at Elephant’s house

and need to sneeze,

always remember to say, “Tissue, please.”

In the presence of Giraffe,

say, “Excuse me,” if you burp,

or he will think you are a twerp.

Always knock on his door when it’s shut

when you visit Hippopotamus,

or he will make a terrible fuss.

Illustrated by Mark Robison
