Come Follow Me
November 1999

“Come Follow Me,” Friend, Nov. 1999, 23

“Come Follow Me”

To find out what these disciples of Jesus Christ had in common with each other, write the letter of the correct statement in the blank with the corresponding number. Then read the letters you have selected from top to bottom.

______ 1. If Matthew was a tax collector, write A; if he was a fisherman, write R. (See Matt. 9:9, including footnote b.)

______ 2. If Christ told Simon Peter that he would be called a “law-giver” write A; if he said Peter would be called a “stone”, write P. (See John 1:42.)

______ 3. If Andrew was the brother of Philip, write N; if he was the brother of Peter, write O. (See Matt. 4:18.)

______ 4. If Jesus said that Nathanael was “an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile,” write S; if he said Nathanael was “as a fruitful branch going over a wall,” write E. (See John 1:47.)

______ 5. If James was the son of Zebedee, write T; if he was the son of Simeon, write M. (See Matt. 4:21.)

______ 6. If Thomas was the first disciple to see the resurrected Christ, write I; if he at first did not believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead, write L. (See John 20:11–18, 24–25.)

______ 7. If Judas betrayed Christ by kissing him, write E; if he betrayed Christ by giving him unleavened bread, write C. (See Matt. 26:47–49.)

______ 8. If John the Beloved did not die, but was allowed to minister on the earth until Christ’s second coming, write S; if he was killed in a prison on the island of Patmos, write L. (D&C 7:1–3.)

These disciples were all

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


  • Apostles.
