November 1999

“Thanksgiving,” Friend, Nov. 1999, 15


Laughing, singing, whistling, cheering,

Rain on my tongue and snow on my nose,

Fluffy-cat snuggles and puppy-dog kisses,

Fingers for tickles, and armfuls of hugs—

Thankful I am for these.

The colors in rainbows and sunsets and fire,

Books filled with riddles, giggles, and smiles,

Food that is crunchy or mushy or slippery,

Sticky candy, sour pickles, and bubblegum—

Thankful I am for these.

For love, hope, and happy feelings,

A home that is warm, a family near,

A Father in Heaven and Jesus my Savior,

Troubles that heal, the comfort of prayer—

Thankful I am for these.

Photos by John Luke
