Conference News
July 2012

“Conference News,” Friend, July 2012, 49

Conference News

What happened at the April 2012 general conference?

Why We Have General Conference

President Thomas S. Monson

“We meet each six months to strengthen one another, to extend encouragement, to provide comfort, to build faith.”

—President Thomas S. Monson

How People Listen to General Conference

President Monson said that even though everyone in the Church cannot fit under one roof, we can listen to general conference in many ways. How do you listen to conference?

The Church around the World

A report in conference tells us how many people are members of the Church and other interesting facts:

  • Church members: 14,441,346

  • Missionaries: 55,410

  • Temples: 136

  • Temples announced or under construction: 30

Conference Stories about Children

You can find these inspiring stories about children in the May 2012 issue of the Ensign:

  • A girl feels the Holy Ghost when she prays to get along with her brother (see page 10).

  • After an earthquake in Haiti, Heavenly Father helps worried parents find their children (see page 113).

  • When a boy hears a prophet speak, he wants to stand and say he is on the Lord’s side (see page 14).

  • A girl who chose to play soccer on Sunday realizes she made a mistake and decides she will never do it again (see page 104).

President Monson Says Thank You

  • I thank you for your faith and devotion to the gospel.

  • I thank you for the care and love you show one to another.

  • I thank you for your prayers in my behalf. I have felt those prayers and am most grateful for them.

Illustrations by Brad Teare
