Show and Tell
July 2012

“Show and Tell,” Friend, July 2012, 38–39

Show and Tell


Pray every day.

Think hard of what to say.

We fold our arms, we bow our heads,

We stay reverent when the prayer is said.

We thank Heavenly Father for the blessings He’s brought.

We ask Him to help us do the things He has taught.

And then end our prayer with an amen,

So we can go on, happy again.

Joshua J., age 11, South Carolina

Spencer R., age 8, Utah

Kaylea C., age 8, Arizona

Skylar M., age 10, Alberta, Canada

Isaac F., age 7, Alaska

Alyssa C., age 7, New York

Kayleigh S., age 11, Utah, likes to play soccer and basketball. She also runs mile races. Kayleigh likes to read, and her favorite colors are blue and purple. She has four brothers and two sisters. Kayleigh’s best friends are her parents.

Anson C., age 5, Maryland, memorizes a scripture every week. He recently memorized Proverbs 15:1. Anson tries to speak kindly to his brother and sister.

Katlynn B., age 7, California, likes to draw and enjoys taking gymnastic lessons. She attends Primary every Sunday. Katlynn is a kind friend and is a good example to her brother and sisters. She is looking forward to being baptized when she turns eight.

The children in the Milwaukee City Branch, Milwaukee Wisconsin North Stake, have been learning about giving acts of service. They decorated cookies and cards and delivered them to other classes at church. The children also learned sign language for the song “Love One Another” and shared it with the other members of the branch.

Now that I am baptized I can feel the Spirit inside of me. I know the Church is true, and I know Heavenly Father lives and Jesus is the Christ. When I need help I pray, and Heavenly Father always answers my prayers. I hope I can serve a mission one day. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and I wish everybody could feel like I do about the gospel, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the prophet, and our Church. I want everybody to know how I feel about the Church!

Kayley W., age 8, England

We made a paper chain that helped us remember to serve others. Every time we did an act of service, like helping our mom or being kind to a friend, we added a link to the chain. We were excited to see the chain grow! Soon the chain stretched all the way across one room. We felt good knowing we were loving and serving those around us, as Jesus would do.

Joseph and Caleb M., ages 6 and 4, Arizona

I’m trying to read the whole Book of Mormon before I turn eight. In family home evening my dad talked about setting goals, so I decided to read three pages a day to meet my goal. Sometimes I take my Book of Mormon to school so I can read it during silent reading. My friends have asked me about the Book of Mormon, and I have been able to tell them about it. I’m happy that we can have the scriptures to read and share with others.

Emily S., age 7, Texas

I like the stories in the Book of Mormon. My favorite story is when God commanded Nephi to build a ship. I can have the Spirit with me like Nephi did when I read the scriptures and do what is right. I really want the Spirit to be with me always. I will try to go and do what the Lord commands.

Brayden T., age 6, Utah
