Kayson Goes ‘Vrrrooom!’
October 2014

“Kayson Goes ‘Vrrrooom!’” Friend, Oct. 2014, 32–35

For Little Friends

Kayson Goes “Vrrroom!”

Kayson Goes “Vroom!”
Getting Ready for Church

Kayson goes, “Vroom!

Look at me! I’m a truck.

Quack, quack,” he says.

“And now I’m a duck!”

He zooms down the hall.

He spreads his arms wide.

Whoosh,” Kayson says.

“Look at me! I’m a plane.

Chugga-chugga choo choo!

And now I’m a train!”

He jumps in the air.

He crawls on the ground.

“It’s Sunday,” Mom says.

“Time to put on nice clothes.”

“But, Mom,” Kayson calls,

And swings his long nose,

“I’m an elephant now.

I’ll stay at the zoo.”

“Moo, I’m a cow!”

Kayson says on the way.

The church isn’t far,

But he still wants to play.

But now they’re inside.

Kayson knows what to do.

“Kayson,” Mom says,

“What are you now?”

He sits still in his seat.

He keeps his head bowed.

“I’m reverent at Church.

That’s the best thing to be.”
