When I Grow Up … I Want to Be a Dad
October 2014

“When I Grow Up … I Want to Be a Dad,” Friend, Oct. 2014, 28

When I Grow Up …

I Want to be a Dad

My name is Chad Lewis, and I’m a dad.

When I Grow Up … I Want to Be a Dad

What does a dad do?

Every day I try to show my wife and children how much I love them. Before I walk through the door each night after work, I remember they are more important than anything in my life. I show my love when I treat them with kindness, understanding, and wisdom. I work hard so I can take care of my children and help them grow up to be happy, loving adults.

What do you like about being a dad?

I like to help my seven children learn and laugh. We like to go on vacations and spend lots of time with each other. My children participate in all kinds of activities, so my job is to be their cheerleader. One of my favorite times is at dinnertime, when we talk about everyone’s day. I also like to share my love of our beautiful earth and how grateful I am for the Savior’s creations.

How did you learn to be a dad?

My parents were great examples for me. I also learned a lot about life when I played college and professional football, and as I work for the BYU sports programs. Reading the Book of Mormon has also taught me valuable lessons. One of my favorite stories is about Captain Moroni and his courage, faith, and obedience. This reminds me how a dad should be.

How does being a dad help you live the gospel?

Every night our family reads the scriptures together. Some of my best experiences are giving priesthood blessings to my children. These are great opportunities to let them know how much Heavenly Father loves them. Being a father also reminds me that I need to follow the Savior so that He will always guide me.
