A Family Team
October 2014

“A Family Team,” Friend, Oct. 2014, 20–21

A Family Team

It’s easier to win when everyone works together.

“When we’re helping, we’re happy” (Children’s Songbook, 198).

A Family Team

Ammon sighed as he and Dad left the soccer game. “I don’t get it,” he said. “We have so many good players. Why can’t we score?”

Dad was a good soccer player. Maybe he could help.

“I think you need to learn to work as a team,” Dad said. “You all want to score goals, right?”

“Yes,” Ammon said. “But we can’t all be the one to score. Is that what you mean?”

Dad nodded. “You can’t score a goal on your own. First the defenders need to take the ball from the other team, right?”

Ammon laughed. “It’s pretty hard to score if you don’t have the ball.”

“Right,” Dad said. “Then the defenders give it to someone who can score. No one can do it alone.”

“I guess,” Ammon said.

When they got home, Mom was holding the baby while she made dinner. “How was the game?” she asked.

“We lost again,” Ammon said. “But we’ll do better next time.”

“That’s a good attitude,” Mom said.

“I’m starving!” Lorrin shouted as he, Seth, and Spencer ran in.

“Boys, can you help set the table and put the toys away?” Mom asked.

All four boys groaned.

“But I didn’t play with the toys,” Seth said.

“It will take forever!” Lorrin wailed.

Dad laughed. “I think our family has the same problem as Ammon’s team.”

“What’s that?” Seth asked.

“We aren’t working together,” Ammon said. “We all want to score a goal by eating dinner. But we’re leaving it all to Mom.”

“Right!” Dad said. “How can we work as a team?”

Ammon had an idea. “What if Seth and I set the table? The other boys can pick up the toys.”

“Great idea!” Dad said.

Soon dinner was ready. Ammon folded his arms for prayer. He was glad his family had worked as a team. He hoped his soccer team could do the same thing.
