The New Adventures of Matt and Mandy
October 2014

“The New Adventures of Matt and Mandy,” Friend, Oct. 2014, 42

The New Adventures of Matt & Mandy

Matt and Mandy

Audrey and her mom have come to the Cooper’s family home evening.

The proclamation on the family says that each of us is “a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents.”

I really like that word “beloved.” When Jesus was baptized, Heavenly Father said, “This is my beloved son.”

I’m so glad to know I have a Heavenly Father. I’m His beloved child. When I’m having a hard time, I can pray and talk to Him. And He comforts me.

Now we’ll sing “I Am a Child of God,” and Dad will say the prayer.

And then dessert! Right?

Thanks for inviting us. I liked what you said. And it’s nice to see Mom smile.
