Dear Parents and Teachers
February 2015

“Dear Parents and Teachers,” Friend, Feb. 2015, back cover

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Dear Parents and Teachers

This month, help children understand the beauty of Christlike love and friendship. The “Bright Idea” on page 7 teaches about God’s love for us. On page 2 President Monson shares a message about showing love by serving. A story on page 11 tells about a child being a Christlike friend. And don’t forget the “friend ship” game on page 24!

You are loved,

The Friend

Family Home Evening Ideas

Family Fun Time: Read “The Soup-Can Phones” (page 4). How can we make our prayers to Heavenly Father more meaningful? Use “Family Fun Time” (page 6) to talk about things we can pray for. Then follow the instructions to make your own set of soup-can phones. And make a fruit pizza!

Being an Example: Read Elder Scott’s message and the story about his grandmother (page 22). Who has been a good example to you? How can you be a good example to others?

Family History Mystery: Solve this month’s “Family History Mystery” (page 21). Talk as a family about what heirlooms you’d each like to pass on. Be sure to use the “mystery solved” cutout when you’re finished. Print more copies at friend.lds.org.

The Blessing Quest: Read “The Blessing Quest” (page 44). As a family make a goal to go on a blessing quest during the week. At family home evening the next week, talk together about blessings each family member found.
