My Golden Ribbon Dance
October 2015

“My Golden Ribbon Dance,” Friend, Oct. 2015, 13

My Golden Ribbon Dance

I could share my testimony through dance!

My Golden Ribbon Dance

At the end of my ballet class, my dance teacher said, “Girls, we have a Golden Ribbon Dance to watch today.” A Golden Ribbon Dance is a dance you choreograph yourself and perform for your class. Afterward you can choose a golden ribbon. But the really exciting part is that the teachers choose 10 of these dances to be performed in the Christmas recital.

My friend Addie got into position to perform her dance, and the music started. She began dancing really gracefully and beautifully. As she flowed with the music, I started thinking about a dance I could create.

When I got home, I looked online for some music for my Golden Ribbon Dance. I searched for LDS music, and the first thing that popped up was “Have I Done Any Good?” I listened to the music and loved it, so I started making up my dance. I was so excited that when I was about half finished, I ran downstairs and showed my mom. She loved it!

My dance company’s theme this year was “Art in Motion,” so I was supposed to choose some art to inspire my dance. We looked through some LDS art about service. We found four pictures that I liked. My favorite was one called The Good Samaritan.

I practiced and practiced and practiced so I could be ready to perform. I even showed my sister and sister-in-law, and they both loved it.

When I felt ready, I brought all my pictures to class. I chose four girls to hold the pictures behind me during my performance. As I danced, I wasn’t even thinking about whether I would get chosen for the Christmas recital. I just had a really warm, peaceful feeling inside as I shared my testimony about Jesus with art, music, and my very own dance!
