The Doll in the Green Dress
October 2015

“The Doll in the Green Dress,” Friend, Oct. 2015, 32–33

The Doll in the Green Dress

Hannah saw the longing in Cara’s eyes, and her heart sank. What should she do?

The Doll in the Green Dress

When Aunt Jane came to visit, she always brought a present for Hannah and her little sister, Cara. Hannah held her breath as Aunt Jane opened her suitcase and reached inside. Aunt Jane’s eyes twinkled as she pulled out two dolls—one dressed in blue and one in green.

Hannah reached out to touch the doll in the dark green velvet dress. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” she said.

Frilly lace trimmed the dress. It looked old fashioned. The doll’s face and hands were carefully painted. Her eyelashes looked so real that Hannah just had to touch them.

“I picked these two dolls out especially for my two favorite nieces,” Aunt Jane said.

Hannah laughed. “We’re your only nieces, Aunt Jane.”

Aunt Jane smiled. “That doesn’t mean you’re not my favorites!”

Cara looked at the doll in the green dress. She smoothed her fingers down the dress. “She’s really pretty.”

Hannah showed the other doll to Cara. “This one’s pretty too.”

Cara barely even looked at the doll in the blue dress. “I want this one,” she said, pointing to the doll in the green dress.

Hannah saw the longing in Cara’s eyes, and her heart sank. What should she do?

Then Hannah looked at the blue dress the other doll was wearing. It looked a lot like a dress her grandma had given Hannah last year. It even had a white collar and red trim around the hem like Hannah’s dress.

Hannah looked back at Cara’s face. Then she picked up the doll in the blue dress. “I like this one,” she said. And she really did.
