Show and Tell: Kindness
October 2015

“Show and Tell: Kindness,” Friend, Oct. 2015, 26–27

Show and Tell


Show and Tell: Kindess

The Second Ward Primary in the Moses Lake Stake, Washington, USA, took the challenge from general conference to serve their friends and neighbors—both members of the Church and those of other faiths. They went door-to-door inviting other children to Primary and weekday activities. They know they can serve Christ by loving and serving those around them.

Lavona R., age 5, Indonesia, loves to sing, dance, and read the Friend with her brother, Jay. She is thankful to Heavenly Father because He gave her a family who loves her.

Tabitha S.’s Primary class from the Middleton Fourth Ward, Idaho, USA, made a special quilt for her. The quilt is her favorite color and has each class member’s name and handprint traced on it. Tabitha feels the love of her Primary class each time she is snuggled up in her quilt.

I just moved to a new house, a new town, and a new school, and it is hard sometimes. There are not many members of the Church in my class. Heavenly Father has helped me do what is right so my friends can feel the light of Christ through my example. I know Heavenly Father loves me and helps me be strong.

Madyson D., age 7, Oregon, USA

At school, a boy used to be mean to me. My mom and I decided to invite him to our house to play. He and I had fun. We have been friends ever since!

Cohen R., age 9, British Columbia, Canada

Once when I was playing soccer goalie at school, I missed the ball. Someone yelled, “You’re such a bad goalie!” I didn’t feel very good after I heard that. I ran into one of the bathroom stalls and started crying. After I said a prayer, I felt much better and went back to playing soccer. I’m glad I can remember that special day when I felt the Holy Ghost help me for the first time.

Alli S., age 6, Lima, Peru

I noticed one kid in my class sitting in the corner of the field at recess. Then I saw someone bullying him. I went to get the safety guard to help. After that I started playing with the boy that got bullied. I knew I did what Heavenly Father wanted me to do.

Conner G., age 7, Utah, USA

At school one day, my friend wanted me to go up to another friend and say, “You’re so stupid, and you are mean. I don’t like you.” I said I wouldn’t do that. My friend said, “Fine. You’re not my best friend if you don’t do it.” I walked away. I knew I did the right thing because I felt good inside from the Holy Ghost.

Whitney L., age 9, Illinois, USA

My brother and a family friend received their mission calls. We drove eight hours to the temple in Freiberg, Germany, so they could receive their temple endowments. We stayed for five days so my family could do a lot of temple work. There is a hostel for families on the temple grounds. Some children and I helped the gardener. We had a lot of fun. I look forward to next year when I will be 12 and will be able to enter the temple with my family.

Alicia S., age 11, Slovakia

Helping Hands

14,027 hands and counting!

I watch my brothers and sister while my mom goes to the temple.

Sadie B., age 6, California, USA

I helped my baby sister to get her teddy.

Jonah M., age 6, Hertfordshire, England

I helped my grandma rake leaves and my grandpa fill the water trough for the horses.

Leanne A., age 5, Washington, USA

I told Grandma that I loved her.

Ezra D., age 4, Florida, USA

I helped stand up for my sisters.

Laura R., age 11, Utah, USA

I tell my mum I love her to make her happy.

Porter C., age 3, Queensland, Australia

I helped my mom with seven chores—and a cheerful attitude.

Lynn N., age 9, California, USA

I gave a talk in primary.

Leo L., age 9, Hawaii, USA

On Sundays I usually prepare my sisters and me a snack to eat.

Victoria B., age 10, California, USA

I wiped the table clean for a party.

Adam Z., age 5, Minnesota, USA
