For Parents of Little Ones
March 2016

“For Parents of Little Ones,” Friend, Mar. 2016, inside back cover

For Parents of Little Ones

For Parents of Little Ones

Easter is coming! If your children are old enough to notice, they’re probably more excited about treats and fun than the reasons for them. Toddlers won’t understand the whole Easter message, but it’s never too early for them to feel the Spirit.

Here are a few ideas for showing little ones that Easter is both a holiday and a holy day.

  • While you dye eggs or make Easter treats, listen to Primary songs about Easter. Talk about the words (see music.lds.org).

  • Consider doing egg hunts or other Easter traditions on Saturday. Then focus more on the Savior on Sunday.

  • Before Easter, tape up pictures around the house showing the last week of the Savior’s life. You can find pictures in Church magazines or at medialibrary.lds.org (click on “Images”). Have your children help line up the pictures in the order they happened.

  • You can put items inside plastic eggs that help tell the Easter story. Use a leaf for palm leaves, bread for the Last Supper, coins for the money paid to Judas Iscariot, a piece of white cloth for burial clothes, an olive for Gethsemane, and a rock for the tomb’s door. Leave an egg empty to represent the empty tomb on Resurrection morning.
