Show and Tell
March 2016

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Mar. 2016, 28–29

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

The Valiant 12 Class, Canandaigua Ward, Palmyra New York Stake, stuffed more than 200 teddy bears that their Primary teacher sewed. No two bears were alike. The class sent the bears to other children in Indiana and Kentucky who had lost their homes in tornadoes. They also sent bears to children in New York after Hurricane Sandy.

Julia U., age 3, Utah, USA, and two of her brothers, Jared (8) and Kevin (6), got to be in the Easter pageant in Mesa, Arizona. They dressed in Bible-style clothes and shared their testimonies of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is my friend.

He loves my whole family.

We love Jesus too.

Adam S., age 6, Washington, USA

The Primary music leader taught us a song that teaches that Jesus Christ is my example. If we follow Jesus’s example in obeying our parents, He will bless us.

Marcha M., age 7, Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

At school, a boy used to be mean to me. My mom and I decided to invite him to our house to play. He and I had fun. We have been friends ever since!

Cohen R., age 9, British Columbia, Canada

When my dad was in the military, we moved a lot. But one thing I know is that everywhere we go, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be the same. This made moving so much easier for me.

Rylan W., age 9, New Mexico, USA

I went to an Easter egg hunt and filled my basket with eggs. I noticed that some kids were sad because they had come late and didn’t find any eggs. I shared my eggs with them, and it made them happy. I felt good for serving them and felt the Spirit.

Danny D., age 9, Florida, USA

My friend and I were playing when he said we should play a prank on someone. At first it sounded fun, but then I remembered President Gordon B. Hinckley’s story about leaving money in a man’s shoes by the roadside instead of stealing his shoes. I told my friend it wasn’t a good idea and felt good for choosing the right.

Jared A., age 7, Massachusetts, USA

Standing Tall Footprints

I will stand tall by being obedient when my parents ask me to do something.

Matthew W., age 8, Torfaen, Wales

I will be obedient and listen to my dad and mom to stand taller in 2016.

Sariah W., age 6, Torfaen, Wales

I will stand taller in 2016 by being kind to my brother and sister.

Nathan W., age 3, Torfaen, Wales

I can help with my new baby brother.

Annie H., age 5, California, USA

I can stand tall by trying to memorize a scripture each week.

Miranda W., age 9, Alabama, USA

I can stand tall by praying with my family and by myself.

Benjamin W., age 8, North Carolina, USA

I want to save my money to buy toys for kids who don’t have very many.

Marshall W., age 5, Nevada, USA

I will stand tall by sharing in nursery and helping the little kids.

Millie W., age 3, Nevada, USA
