Holding onto Hope
March 2016

“Holding onto Hope,” Friend, Mar. 2016, 14–15

Friends Who Stand Tall

Holding onto Hope

Holding onto Hope

Hi, I’m Emma! When I was seven I got really sick. We found out I have a disease in my blood called leukemia. But I keep fighting to be strong, no matter what!

The Holy Ghost and Me

Before going to stay at the hospital, I wanted to have the gift of the Holy Ghost. I didn’t know if I could get baptized while I was going through treatments. But it worked out. I was baptized and received the Holy Ghost when I turned eight!

Looking for the Good

In the hospital my mommy and I talked about all the good things in my life. There were things like my body healing and the children in our ward praying for me every day. We decided there’s more good than bad.

A Brother’s Gift

Doctors said I needed healthy bone marrow—the spongy tissue inside of the bone—from someone. My brother Alex’s bone marrow matched mine, so doctors took some of his to give to me. “I was nervous and a little scared,” Alex said, “but I did it anyway because I love my sister.”

Home from the Hospital

Now that I’m out of the hospital, I stay at home while my body heals. I like to play and make art. I’m also writing a book for school about leukemia. I go to Primary with video chat. My Primary president invited me to give a talk. I was a little nervous but mostly excited. I talked about Jesus Christ. I’m glad I got to give a talk and be a part of Primary.

Emma’s Testimony

I know Heavenly Father cares about me because He gave me so many blessings. He can do the same for anyone. If you are going through a hard time, stay strong. Keep fighting no matter what, and make good choices. Even though things can start off crummy, they can end up a lot better.

Emma’s Tips for Standing Tall

  • Look for the good things happening in your life.

  • Be creative to make things work—like when I gave a talk over video chat!

  • Pray always, especially when things get hard.
