Paul’s Letters
September 2019

“Paul’s Letters,” Friend, September 2019

Scripture Stories

Paul’s Letters

Illustrations by Apryl Stott

Paul writing letters

The Apostle Paul helped lead the Church after Jesus returned to heaven. Back then, there were no telephones or internet. So Paul wrote letters to members of the Church.

woman reading letter

Paul wrote to people in the city of Corinth. He told them to forgive others. He told them to be patient. He wrote about Jesus.

soldier reading letter

Paul wrote to people in a place called Galatia. He told them to love their neighbors. He told them what the Spirit feels like.

modern boy reading Bible

Paul’s letters were so important that they became part of the Bible. You can read them in the New Testament.

brother and sister watching prophet at general conference

I can learn from Paul’s teachings. I will listen to what the prophet and apostles teach today!

Coloring Page

I Love the Bible!

coloring page of dad reading scriptures with daughter
