Show and Tell
September 2019

“Show and Tell,” Friend, September 2019

Show and Tell

pictures and drawings from kids

I know Jesus lives and that He gave His life for us. I know Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer.

Maria, age 10

I like to read the Book of Mormon every night and always pray to know that it is true.

Aaron P., age 7, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

My family and I went to see a less-active member of our branch in the hospital. We had a small church service and shared lessons from general conference.

Paul L., age 10, Kansas, USA

My twin brother was getting a service dog named Cappy. Cappy got a foxtail seed stuck in his paw. He had to go to the veterinarian and take medicine for his infected foot. We prayed for Cappy every night for two and a half months. Finally his foot healed and we got to take him to start service-dog training. I know God answers our prayers.

Anna N., age 7, California, USA

I love to pray. When I lost a toy, I prayed, and God helped me find it. Sometimes I pray before class and football games. I like it when we pray as a family and when I pray in Primary. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.

Kirill, age 8

We got an extra meal from a restaurant so that we could give it to someone who was hungry. We saw a police car parked nearby and asked the policeman if he had eaten lunch. He had not! He said he was hungry and that we were a blessing to him. We had the best feeling knowing we had helped someone.

Callister, Kerrigan, and Preston S., ages 7, 5, and 3, Texas, USA

I like to share my colors with my classmates.

Mira L., age 6, Central Luzon, Philippines

I keep the commandments and don’t argue.

Felicity M., age 9, Victoria, Australia

Wolves are my favorite animals, and my dream is to study wolves when I grow up.

Irene T., age 11,Tennessee, USA

I know Jesus will come again, and I can’t wait!

Talus P., age 9, Virginia, USA
