A Perfect Fit
February 2021

“A Perfect Fit,” Friend, February 2021

A Perfect Fit

The author lives in Utah, USA.

“Whenever I am good and kind and help someone I see, I feel so very happy” (Children’s Songbook, 197).

tennis shoes


Tony grinned as he stood up from his desk. It was finally time for recess!

Other kids ran past him toward the playground, but Tony hung back. He was waiting for Sean. Sean was new to Tony’s class. Maybe they could play together.

“Hey, Sean!” Tony said. “Do you like basketball?”

“Like it? I love it!” Sean said.

“Awesome.” Tony grinned. “Come on. Let’s play!”

Tony and Sean spent the whole recess dribbling, passing, and shooting hoops.

“That was fun!” Tony said as they walked back into the classroom. “You’re really good.”

“Thanks,” Sean said. “It’s fun to play with someone who likes basketball as much as I do!”

Every day after that, Tony and Sean played basketball together at recess. They practiced different plays they made up and perfected their dribbling. Tony loved the swoosh the basket made when the ball fell through the net.

“Here you go!” Tony called. He passed Sean the ball. Sean caught it and jumped to score. Tony noticed a flap hanging down from one of Sean’s shoes.

The basketball bounced off the rim of the hoop. “Oh, almost,” Tony said. “Good try!”

“Thanks,” Sean said. “I think I could play a little better if it weren’t for my shoes.” He laughed as he lifted up his shoe for Tony to see. “I’m going to get some new ones as soon as my dad finds a new job.”

Tony smiled. “But if you get new shoes, you’ll beat me every time!” he teased. “I won’t stand a chance!”

As Tony walked home from school that afternoon, he thought about Sean walking home with a shoe that was falling apart. Tony knew it wouldn’t only be hard to play basketball in those shoes. With the weather changing, Sean’s feet would be cold! Tony wondered if there was something he could do to help.

“Ready for bed?” Dad asked Tony later that night.

“Yeah,” Tony said. “I was just thinking. You know my friend Sean, who I play basketball with at recess? His shoes are wearing out. He needs to wait until his dad gets a job before he can get some new ones. I’d really like to help him out somehow.”

“That’s a great idea,” Dad said. “Why don’t we say a prayer? I know Heavenly Father will help you know what you can do.”

Tony nodded and knelt down with Dad to pray.

The next morning as Tony was getting ready for school, he noticed something in his closet. It was a pair of extra tennis shoes from his older brother! Tony hadn’t worn them yet because they were still a little too big. He had forgotten all about them!

I wonder if these will fit Sean, Tony thought. He put the shoes in his backpack, zipped it up, and hurried off to school.

“Hey.” Tony walked up to Sean and held up the shoes. ”I found these in my closet. They don’t fit me, and I wondered if they might fit you.”

“Wow. Thanks so much!” Sean slipped them on and tied the laces. “They fit great!”

Tony felt happy. He knew Heavenly Father had heard his prayer to know how to help his new friend. “Race you to the basketball court!”
