Vicky Tadić
February 2021

“Vicky Tadić,” Friend, February 2021

Pioneers in Every Land

Vicky Tadić

Early Convert in Bosnia and Herzegovina

“Was that the Holy Ghost?” Vicky asked.

a girl in Bosnia and Herzegovina

“Come on!” Vicky’s brother called. “Let’s go play with the Rowes!”

The Rowes were their new neighbors. They had moved to Bosnia and Herzegovina from the United States. They had kids the same age as Vicky and her siblings. But they didn’t speak Bosnian. Vicky was the only one in her family who spoke English. She translated so they could play together.

Vicky sat with Mrs. Rowe on the porch while the other kids played.

“Your family seems different,” Vicky said. “In a good way.”

Mrs. Rowe smiled. “Would you like to come to church with us? That might help you see why we’re different. Our church doesn’t have a building here in Bosnia, so we have church with our family at home.”

Vicky was curious when she arrived at the Rowes’ house on Sunday. First they sang a song. One of the children said a prayer. Then Mr. Rowe prayed and passed bread and water to each person. They said it was called the sacrament. After that their daughter Jessie gave a talk.

“Heavenly Father loves us. He speaks to us through the Holy Ghost,” Jessie said. “Sometimes the Holy Ghost gives us a peaceful feeling. Or sometimes He gives us a thought.”

The next day, Vicky walked to the store to buy bread. On her way home, she was about to pass by some trash cans when a voice in her mind stopped her. Stay away, it said.

Vicky stood still. Suddenly, a car came spinning around the corner. CRASH! It slammed into the garbage cans.

Vicky took a deep breath. She was so glad she listened to the voice!

Later, Vicky told Mrs. Rowe the story. “Was that the Holy Ghost?”

“Sounds like it. Sometimes the Holy Ghost warns us of danger.”

“God protected me,” Vicky said. “I’ll always listen to the Holy Ghost.”

Vicky kept going to the Rowes’ house for church every Sunday. Then Vicky shared the Book of Mormon with her mom. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel from the Rowes. Vicky translated for everyone.

One day Mr. Rowe asked Vicky’s family a question. Vicky repeated it in Bosnian. “Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized?”

Vicky waited. She wanted to be baptized. But she was nervous about what her family would say.

Finally, Vicky’s dad spoke. “Da.”

Da,” her family said.

Vicky was so happy she felt like her heart was going to burst. “Yes,” she said to Mr. Rowe. “Yes, we will.”

A week later, Vicky and her family drove for five hours to the nearest Church building. Vicky felt happy as she stepped into the water to be baptized. She felt even happier when she was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Now she would have the Holy Ghost with her always.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has 73 members of the Church.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s closest temple is the Rome Italy Temple.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in southeastern Europe.

Vicky loves the outdoors. Hiking is one of her favorite things to do.

Vicky was baptized at age 16.

When Vicky grew up, she married in the temple. She now has two children.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/02 Feb

Illustrations by Zhen Liu
