A Feeling of Peace
September 2021

“A Feeling of Peace,” Friend, September 2021

Friend to Friend

A Feeling of Peace

From an interview with Lucy Stevenson Ewell.

boy sitting in garden on bench with teacher

One morning when I was 11 years old, I woke up and heard voices in the living room. No one had come to wake me up for school like they usually did. When I went out to see what was going on, I found out that my dad had died.

While my family talked in the living room, I went to our garden. Our garden was big, and I had worked with my dad to help take care of it. I sat down on the bench under the trees and cried. I was feeling really sad and confused.

After a few minutes, I saw my Primary teacher opening the gate. He came and sat on the bench next to me and said, “Joni, do you remember the lesson we had last Sunday about the plan of salvation?” My teacher explained to me again that our souls are made up of a spirit and a body. He said that my dad’s spirit was in a good place, and someday he would be resurrected. Someday I would see him again.

Even though I was still sad, I felt peace. I remember that peace every time I think about that experience. My Primary teacher ministered to me, and the Holy Ghost comforted me. It helped to build my testimony of Heavenly Father’s love and the plan of salvation.

No matter what you are going through, God cares for you. You don’t have to be a grown-up to feel the Spirit testify that everything is going to be OK. You can build a testimony of Heavenly Father’s plan. You can feel peace.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/09 Sep

Illustration by Arthur Lin
