Church History Cards
September 2021

“Church History Cards,” Friend, September 2021

Church History Cards

Cut out the cards, fold on the dotted line, and tape them closed.

Desideria Yáñez

cut-out card of Desideria Yáñez


“She was … anxious to read the Book of Mormon.”

  • She had a dream about a Church pamphlet that would change her life.

  • Her son, José, found the pamphlet in Mexico City. Missionaries taught her the gospel.

  • She was the first person to read the Book of Mormon in Spanish.

  • She was one of the first women in Mexico to be baptized.

Olivas Vila Aoy

cut-out card of Olivas Vila Aoy


“I … wish to be useful to the Church.”

  • He was born in Spain. He traveled to Cuba, Mexico, and the United States to help people.

  • He met missionaries and joined the Church.

  • He helped translate the Book of Mormon into Spanish.

  • He learned that there were no schools for children who spoke Spanish in El Paso, Texas, USA. So he started a school for them and taught there for many years.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/09 Sep

Illustrations by Brooke Smart
